We strive to work in harmony with nature to benefit plants and the people that live among them.

To provide ecologically sound garden maintenance, consultation, renovation and design for the Seattle area at an affordable price.

Using plants native to the PNW, we work to educate our clients on choosing an environmentally sustainable design that looks beautiful without damaging the ecosystem.

We value the importance of best practices through organic gardening ensuring the protection of both lands and the watershed, to keep the environment clean and plants healthy.
Tony Sacco, CPH, has been caring for Seattle's plants for over 25 years
Tony graduated from Loyola University in Maryland with a BA in English Literature and a minor in Music Composition. He received his MFA in Fine Arts studying writing fiction at Antioch University in Los Angeles. Through most of the last 25 years, he has worked as a gardener for organic gardening companies throughout the greater Seattle area. In 2019 Tony became a Certified Professional Horticulturist through WSNLA. As of 2024, TS Landscape Design staff members completed the ecoPRO training and certification process. This further developed their knowledge and expertise of sustainable landscape professionalism and applied best practices.

ecoPRO Certified Sustainable Pro!

TS Landscape Design is an ecoPRO Certified Sustainable Landscape Professional.
ecoPRO certified professionals have in-depth knowledge of more than 200+ sustainable landscape best practices in eight focus areas:
- Protecting and conserving soil
- Conserving, managing, and protecting water
- Protecting air quality and preventing noise pollution
- Protecting, creating, and managing habitat
- Managing and conserving energy
- Selecting, planting, and maintaining plants sustainably
- Managing pests and diseases sustainably
- Using sustainable materials to protecting human health
Good thoughts are no better than dreams, unless they're executed!
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
TS Landscape Design is the product of many years learning the craft. From pruning to small designs to flagstone patio and pathway work, he strives to create affordable high level products while maintaining great customer relationships. In 2018 he was awarded a Certificate in Professional Horticulture from the WSNLA and in 2019, he made the leap to starting his own gardening company focusing on high level ecological care at affordable rates.
In his spare time, Tony plays drums in a Roots/ Americana band, performing at events and venues around the Seattle area. While he and his wife raise their son, he peruses his passions as an avid reader and writer of poetry, stories, and songs. He is currently working on releasing an album of his own music. Tony and his family are passionate about soccer. They enjoy playing for fun, and attending the Seattle Sounder’s matches.
Our Philosophy
We humans are part of the natural world, but sometimes we act as if we live outside of the natural systems around us. As an organic gardener, one of my most satisfying roles has been as an advocate or ambassador for the planet; the watersheds, the land, the trees, the animals and the people living on the land.
In addition to using best possible gardening practices, we like to educate the client toward environmentally sound maintenance practices which are often more efficient than traditional methods and which benefit both planet and people. We’ve done enough damage to the planet and as gardeners, we can be on the front lines of helping change how we see our place. We can help keep poisons out of the waterways, we can help save trees through proper pruning and we can plant and fertilize less invasively as we work toward a balance with nature. A deeply satisfying set of goals, indeed. These are our goals at TS Landscape Design!

The Draw Of Gardening...

The flora of the Seattle area has always drawn me out into the garden. Protecting the lands and the water with sustainable practices has always been a goal of mine. Educating my clients, as well as workers, in the best possible practices toward maintaining beautiful outdoor spaces, while keeping the environment clean and the plants healthy, is a large part of how that goal can be achieved.
In 2018 I was awarded my Certificate for Professional Horticulture from the WSNLA and now work to uphold the Plant Amnesty guidelines. I have started this project with the same goals I’ve carried with me thus far: To provide ecologically sound garden maintenance, consultation, renovation and design for the Seattle area at an affordable price.
Thank you for your interest in the style of TS Landscape Design. Call or email me for a free estimate!

Eco Pro's
We are ecoPRO certified sustainable landscape professionals!

Skilled Work
Over 25 years of experience working with all types of landscaping.

Creative Design
Landscaping is our Artwork. We paint with living brushes and sunlight.

Land Stewards
Our goal is to work in harmony with nature, and
never against it.
Let Us Give You A Quote
“A rose by any other name, is still a rose…”
~William Shakespeare